Examples for mounted/assembled parts
Interesting facts about mounted parts
What exactly means mounted in „one-process“?
We talk about „one process“ mounted parts when all production steps are done in one process/tool. Mounted parts fall off the machine fully assembled or threading processes are fully integrated in one tool. That eliminates follow on processes and the assemblies can be manufactured very economically.
Fully manufactured in one process – forming, bending and mounting of the scew with one tool
How are the parts applied to the process?
For the production of mounted parts we developed various feeding devices. Screws, punched-nuts, -rivets or plastic parts can be fed to the production process and be assembled to the formed- /bended part in the tool. The concept and implementation is done in our in-house tool shop. Depending on the specification and geometry of the parts we will decide which machine concept will be best (Bihler/Bruderer).
Feeding of a screw into a progressive tool

Any questions?
You need assistance about our mounted/assembled parts? We'll be happy to help!
C. Keine
Tel: +49 2721 9549 5
Fax: +49 2721 9549 99
E-Mail: info@keine.de